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We seek projects which have lasting value. Temporary projects, such as exhibitions, symposiums, etc., are not eligible for grants. We prefer projects which could be called vulnerable, i.e. projects that would not be initiated without financial support from third parties and which may not generate mass interest, but are nevertheless sufficiently important to realise.

For real estate projects, we only consider buildings that are not owned by government or local councils. The buildings must have a clear public purpose, such as churches, castles open to the public, and museums.

With regard to cultural objects, Dioraphte does not support the purchase of items for museums nor does Dioraphte support documentaries and films. In addition, we do not support applications from or for individual artists to create works.

Publications are only supported in exceptional cases. For example, academic publications, not necessarily aimed at a large audience, whose contents will remain relevant for some time. For example catalogues of collections, or correspondence from artists or writers.

Important factors are the size of the project’s budget, the financial size of the organisation applying for a grant, and how these two things relate to each other. Dioraphte is interested in sponsoring projects whose budget is medium-sized. For larger projects, Dioraphte’s financial injection will be too insignificant in relation to the total amount needed. Smaller projects are generally of regional rather than national interest.

Dioraphte is actively involved in grant applications in the art sector. We also initiate projects and approach potential grant applicants.

Dioraphte will only award grants to organisations which have a certain degree of professionalism. For instance, museums must be listed with the Dutch Museums Register. Dioraphte prefers to support projects and activities that (aim to) reach large groups of people in our society. We provide our support in the form of donations.


Your application process with Dioraphte begins with a preliminary application. You can only submit a preliminary application via the link below.

Dioraphte applies the following guidelines and criteria. In addition, there are specific criteria for each field of work which can be found on the corresponding webpages.

  • Dioraphte provides financial support to Public Interest Organisations in the Netherlands and abroad (ANBIs recognised by the Dutch tax authorities). We do not support any commercial institutions, nor do we consider applications for financial support for individuals.
  • The application is related to one of the following work areas: Social Initiatives in the Netherlands, Performing Arts or Cultural Heritage. For Social Initiatives in Africa and Science & Research we do not accept unsolicited proposals. It is by invition only. 
  • Preliminary applications can only be submitted through our online portal. We will only process a Complete Application when one of our advisors has invited you to submit it in response to your preliminary application. The Complete Application must be submitted within 6 months at the latest, otherwise the invitation will expire.
  • The fund has a preference for clearly defined projects. Projects that have already been realised, in whole or in part, during the course of the application process are excluded from support. We prefer projects that have widespread public support.
  • Projects may have a duration of several years. Projects that run for a few (in general 2 to 4) years can be supported, but the support will never have a permanent character.
  • The application must be clear and transparent in financial terms. You must provide an investment budget (if applicable), an operating budget and a financing plan. Operational deficits, non-project related salaries, living expenses, as well as costs related to the day-to-day running of the organisation may also be covered.
  • The applicant needs to demonstrate at the time of application that you do not have sufficient resources of your own to finance the project. If it emerges at a later stage that you had assets or funds at your disposal, either in your name or in the name of a third party, or any other resources or income when you applied, but did not disclose this in writing then or thereafter; we may withdraw the grant and demand repayment of any financial support granted.
  • Dioraphte has chosen not to provide support to governments, government bodies or institutions subsidised directly or indirectly by a government agency. We also do not support activities or projects with a predominantly political or religious character.
  • Dioraphte also provides support through collaboration with other parties, including various foundations.



Antoon Ott


Contact *

* Above email address is for questions, not for applications.

Project administration (applications – reports – payment requests)

All communication between applicants and Dioraphte is through this portal.